Events CalendarFeatures

Launch Ceremony of Annual Magazine Committee’s first-ever fest Raso~Vai~Sah: The Editor’s Extravaganza at Kirori Mal College

Raso Vai Sah Launch Ceremony by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College welcomes you all to the launch ceremony of its first-ever fest Raso~Vai~Sah: The Editors’ Extravaganza on 12 March 2019 at 1.00 pm in the Seminar Hall.

Ceremony by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

Raso~Vai~Sah Launch Ceremony by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

Also, be a part of the first Chapter of The Editors’ Conclave (2.30 pm), which is “of the editors, for the editors, by the editors” and dedicated to the editorial sectors across all fields and genres.

Think you can capsize the moment? Think you got what it takes to ‘flip the coin’ and ‘Divert the Herd’?
The Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College *(AMCatKMC)* presents an event giving you a ‘no’ chance to spit out the zest within you:
Debate with yourself and win over others!
Date: 13 March 2019
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Register here:

Debate Competition by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

Debate Competition by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

Have a way with words?
Do not forget to show off your writing skills. Trust us; this is the event you have been waiting for!
The Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College *(AMCatKMC)* presents:
Weave your story and let your partner destroy it!
Date: 13 March 2019
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Participate in Teams of Two. Register here:

Story Writing Competition by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

Story Writing Competition by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

Painting is poetry without words, a story without characters.
For the veiled artists out there, the Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College (AMCatKMC) has come up with a unique luck based painting competition
Paint your luck and create your hue.
Date: 13 March 2019
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Time limit: 1 hr 30 mins
Bring your material; only sheets will be provided.
So get yourself registered because in the art the present is eternal:

Luck Based Painting competition by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

Luck Based Painting competition by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

If you have a Marvel t-shirt in your wardrobe and a Marvel bag on your back, this is what you have been waiting for.
The Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College (AMCatKMC) presents:
_You have got to be an aficionado!_
Participate in this once-in-a-while Bilingual Marvel Quiz if your crazy matches our crazy. Big Time.

Interesting Competition for Marvel Fans by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

Interesting Competition for Marvel Fans by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!
The Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College (AMCatKMC) presents:
_One may Smile, and Smile, and be a Villian._
Date: 13 March 2019
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Register if you know the power of Elimination:

Murder Mystery Competition by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

Murder Mystery Competition by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

Remember the time when you all were so curious to find out why did katappa killed Bahubali? These suspense and mysteries are the spice of life.
That’s why the Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College *(AMCatKMC)* has come up with a quirky yet guaranteed fun event whose only ‘can-be-revealed-element’ is ‘Pure Suspense’.
_A game without name_
Date: 13 March 2019
Time: 12:30 p.m.

A game without name Competition by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

A game without name Competition by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

Meme it to win it.
The Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College (AMCatKMC) presents:
_Be the next Meme Lord_
Date: 13 March 2019
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Participate in this unique Meme Making Competition in teams of two. Register:

A competition for all meme lovers by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

A competition for all meme lovers by Annual Magazine Committee at Kirori Mal College

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